Sat. July 4 2015 Fosnavag Norway. Happy Birthday USA.
We spent the day wandering about, Long walk and climb up a
mountain for an elusive geo cache and a stupendous view over the harbour. When we returned to the boat a large ship
entered the harbour and tied up hoisted a bunch of flags erected a stage and
made ready for a party! So I went to find out what was going on.
It was a brand new shiny paint still drying research ship
that was going to be Christened and we could go for a self guided by ourselves
tour! Didn’t have to ask twice so up we climbed and up we climbed wandering in
and out until we reached the helicopter pad. Walked out on it and looked a way
way way down to the water far far below. Went back down a couple of decks to
the 360 degree bridge wandered around in there admiring all the equipment and
electronics and then made our way to the aft deck where the ROV’s were stored.
Looked at them and then left the ship The naming took place at 1600 with a
marching band and dignitaries and everything. We returned to kalinka1 had a
bite to eat waited for the forcasted drop in and change of direction of the
wind and got under way for The Shetland Islands at 2000 hours.
Underway with a Norsk bat Alora with Johnny and Thor
(pronounced Yonny and Tura) accompanying us. Started off with a great breeze
keeping our speed above 6 knots and sometimes7 knots under double reefed main
and ¾ jib. big seas but going with us so
not so bad most of the time except off Statt where they were not so nice but
that didn’t last too long. Had to alter
course for a fishing boat and a cruise ship which made things interesting for a
while. Sally went down about 2200 and left everything to me!
Sun. July 5 2015somewhere in the North Sea.
0200. Having a way too much fun so woke Sally up. It was her
turn anyway! By now the wind haad dropped enough that we had to start the
engine genuflected and sang the benediction canted all the right words of
appeasement and turned the
key,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Vrrroooooommm. I
did,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, just to make you all sweat! Engine always started. Hehe got
you!!! So we motored most of the way across the North Sea and through the Oil
rig forests in the fog. Sometimes heavy sometimes heavier and sometimes
sliceable. 0700 my turn again. So up I sprung . Jibed the main and motor sailed
through my watch. Sally up at 1230. 1600 I sprung up and at 1630 we had a Sally
special for dinner Ground beef Medaly. Finally cleared the rig field about 2300
AIS and Radar really helped here!
Mon. July 6 2015 0000 Somewhere in Scottish waters. Well
Actually at 61*07.295’N Lat. 000*27.410’E Lon. Watch change Crossed the prime
meridian on Sally’s watch at 0236. Now back on our side of the world and I
slept blissfully through it! 0420 shut engine down, 0430 2 reefs! 0640 engine
on 0700 Balta Sound 0800 anchored! 217
miles 27.7 hours on the engine 36 hours
from cast off to anchor down. Had oatmeal breakfast and then slept the sleep of
the innocent through a dull windy day. So ends this chapter.
Hey Guys, There are people reading this tho not making comments. Keep up the good word and safe sailing.