Episode 5 Life on the MYC pontoon, and beyond to Brighton.
Saturday a big meeting in the club house for a big capital expense for the building. Cold sunny with showers, all good. The racing at the club is great fun to watch with multiple fleets. We were out of the way on the inside of the pontoon. Sunday we went to the Carvery at MYC and feasted with James and Vicki before they headed into work that evening. James had helped with getting the diesel jugs' filled on Saturday. We were trying to replace the primary fire extinguisher located beside the engine with a CO2 one. I almost paid 68 pounds when he found one on line for 25! Monday delivery. Monday Vicki pick me up for the last of the diesel and shopping back just as Rowland delivered the life raft re certified for another year. He brought some new inflating with harness life jackets for us to try. They are expensive and I was keen that they be comfortable for long wear times. Stiff shoulders and neck is not much fun so we think and hope we have gotten some comfortable ones with all the tech and lights. Vicky and James were back with the new CO2 extinguisher and some amazing fleece from their work - So cool!
Then we were off to a garden party at Heather and Alans, wonderful fun.
Tuesday came too soon. Sunday when some of the racers came in they invited us to join in the Tuesday cruise to Queensborough. This sounded too much fun, we were game. The tides were perfect we got carried down and then back up. This was the perfect shake down for us and we flew down under the head sail and tied up in Queensborough. The Harbour Master was miffed we had not called ahead, its a small place and blustery Tuesdays are busy when the tides are right. We paid the dues and got the gate codes and joined the others for a pre pub libation. The sea cadet training vessel TS Royalist was in port and drilling people through climbing to the yards and doing harbour stow of the square sails. We had last seen them on her predecessor by the same name when we were up in Inverness she was enroute to Amsterdam for the electronics and galley to be moved to the new vessel. The board of management figured it was cheaper and better to do this, Princess Anne is the lead supporter. We were then off up the high street and because the pub that was expecting us would not yet be open the one next to the port was so we waited in there out of the wind for everyone to "catch up". Then to the Rose for sandwiches and chips. What fun it was there were two boats single handing and one tri with his lovely dog and new members on older members boats and then new members on their own boats it was great to be part of. What a great club the MYC is.
Wednesday Noel was hammering away tiring to un cease the windlass and I was tucked in out of the wind sorting out the last blog posting. We then went up to the club. They like you to pre book to minimize waste with the food and keep things fresh well. We had not gotten to get that accomplished and they still fitted us in. We could have the last cod and then roast lamb. What a feast it was better then I would have figured out on board and we got to see Heather's pal Catherine and her husband. Thursday we were off, it was a beautiful day and the wind was light. We left a high water and had a lovely run out the estuary.
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